Acquisition advisory management & brokerage
The value of your vessel must be preserved - your crew require a proper working environment - your jet must land nearby - there is a shortage of berths considering the newbuild orderbook vessels over 50m.
Therefore securing your vessel homeport in an efficient facility, with a comfortable legal frame and a reasonable fiscal visibility will bring you serenity, privacy and cost efficiency.
FLOW Elite will provide you with professional and ethical services in total respect of the final beneficiary interests.
Adhoc facility search
Combining berth location in term of proximity and convenience with owner's residence, country political, economic, legal and fiscal environment, vessel favorite cruising destination, shipyard vicinity, port bad weather protection, port authority regulations, vessel manoeuvering, marina services provided, local culture and guests center of interests is complex and need to be addressed properly.
We provide you with our experience: worldwide marina knowledge, local contact in each prime area, direct operational mega yachting understanding, port and marina, public domain legal and fiscal expertise.
Berth lease agreement
Luxury marinas are usually structured as a private company holding a longterm concession on the public domain. The concesssion holder will provide the public authority with royalties and promise of investments and maintenance works in the facility. In order to make it profitable, concession holder will sell berth use of rights or longterm lease and will generate income from sub-concessions (real estate, parking, shopping,..) and sales of consumable (water, electricity, Internet).
Investing in a longterm lease is not simple and requires the expertise of a dedicated expert, familiar with the marina industry. termination of the agreement, resale value, inport manoeuvering, terms of contract between the public entity and the concession holder, special purpose vehicle to be used to reduce fiscality are among the parameters to be checked.
Your representatives, family office, lawyer's team, yacht management company will save time and money and provide you with the safe longterm solution in using our services.
Berth management
In case your vessel is not occupying your berth, the port management will be allowed to rent it and will provide you with shared income. Depending of the occupancy rate of the marina and the number of berth sold, the port management will give preference to non-owned berth for rental.
Flow Elite will find vessels to rent your berth once available through the port management and increase your income. Flow Elite will also keep a constant watch on the port management duties included in the lease agreement and monitor incident, maintenance work, litigations issues on your behalf.
The resale value of your asset is a ROI key
The investment in a home berth for your vessel is a longterm investment. You should be ready to sell it at any time in case of owner's vessel situation change (sold, exchange for a bigger size vessel).
Brokerage skills and professional experience, business code of conduct and confidentiality; Flow Elite will guide you during the sale process, to promote your asset and find a valuable proposal through its customers portfolio of existing clients or new build projects.
We value confidentality
It is our policy to conduct business in accordance with the highest ethical standards, in order to merit and maintain the complete confidence of our customers.
Compliance with Laws and Regulations
We fully comply with all applicable laws and regulations.
Safeguarding the confidential financial information of our customers is essential. We hold this confidential information in the strictest confidence.
Customer information
We never discuss confidential customer information with anyone outside the company and only with those within the company who have a legitimate business need to know. We never discuss confidential customer information in public places, even within the company's offices.
We never discuss confidential customer information in public places, even within the company's offices.
Advice to Customers
Staff members may occasionally be asked by customers to comment upon the legality of a particular transaction.
Since we cannot practice law or give legal or tax advice, staff members must exercise care in discussing transactions with customers, and nothing should be said that might be interpreted as the giving of legal or tax advice.